Yeah, that is the credit. Apparently Ringo and Hudson had a big falling out somewhere along the way, I think after most of the recording was done. Stewart was brought in and gave it a big ol' glossy paint job. Either way, album's pretty much what you'd expect, perfectly charming Ringo, if you like that kinda thing. Which I kinda do. bob wrote: Downloaded it...couldn't tell you anything about the credits. But there is a nice little tribute to Harry Nilsson called, "Harry's Song", or "Tune"...I forget. bob Will Harris wrote: Anyone got the new album? If so, can you confirm that there's actually a credit on the disc which reads, "Produced by Ringo Starr and Mark Hudson; Re-Produced by Ringo Starr and David Stewart"? Best, WiLL William Harris Associate Editor 1403 Earle Ave. Chesapeake, VA 23324 Ph. (757) 624-1390 E-mail MySpace (Now a proud member of the Television Critics Association!) --------------------------------- Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.