Marty Rudnick wrote: > Very sad. For the curious uninitiated, especially folk buffs, I'd make > three recommendations: > > California Bloodlines (LP) > The Phoenix Concerts (2LP) > Wherever We May Go (DVD / PBS Documentary on the Kingston Trio) > > One thing the Phoenix Concerts in particular may reveal, (our Mr. Coxe will > probably recall from the old Chuck's Cellar days); Stewart had a delightful > dry wit. Absolutely! A skill he certainly possessed before replacing Dave Guard in the Kingston Trio, as those guys were by far the classiest performers I've ever seen. Starting in 1960, they performed yearly @ NC State as part of its Friends Of The College series, which I attended with my parents each & every time. The between song patter was as nearly as good as the music - ad libs, banter with the audience (~7000 strong), stories from the road, jokes - even a few "dirty" ones. I expect hanging with the comedians at the Hungry I rubbed off in a big way. What I remember most about the Chuck's Cellar evening is the regulars way outnumbered us first timers. I felt like I'd crashed a private party, though a very warm & friendly one. - Michael