--- In audities@yahoogroups.com, mkropp@... wrote: > > I'll chime in a little here as I have a 12-year-old daughter who is very heavily into music (apparently the nut really doesn't fall from the tree). Snip-- It's fun for me to see her so enthusiastic about music as well as forming her own tastes. -------- I just want to echo this sentiment. My daughter is also 12 years old now. She still LOVES the Beatles and a few others's I exposed her to long ago. But now she is suddenly branching out and forming her own musical tastes independent of me and now she wants to share her music with me. :) She found a radio station she likes and is exploring music that way that I did at her age (yes, different radio I know). Anyway, I find it really exciting to watch pretty much regardless of her choice. I try to simply embrace it as her path. She currently loves Ingrid Michaelson, Colbie Caillat and a bit darker, she loves "Rehab" by Amy Winehouse and a few other tracks by her. As you can see, she's very into female singers which makes sense to me. So, for Robert (is that who originally asked?), my unsolicited suggestion is to let your 12 year old daughter explore the radio or to keep getting advice from other's on this lists daughters. :) FWIW: My main experience of Mike Mazarrella is that long ago he via Notlame (I think) sent out a free personalize CDR to ANYONE who simply asked for it. Yes, anyone who asked got an individualized recording that he made for you as if he's talking to you in the studio. A very nice gift. I can't even guess at the time he spent on this. As I recall, he and Bruce put this together as a way of saying thanks for supporting the music. I can't comment on what he said in the book per I've not read it yet but no matter, he'll always be aces with me for that kind gesture. Oh, and Bruce Brodeen too! Oh, by the way, congrats to John and Bruce for getting this puppy out. Steve D