If I'm not mistaken, The Sherbs were the late incarnation of Sherbet, who had a mid-'70s AM hit with "Howzat?" Kind of like the changeover from The Sweet, to Sweet... I think I had a Sherbs album one upon a time, too -- maybe this one. I recall it being very catchy stuff, with one song that also received some minor airplay. J&J Giddings writes: > >>wondering if anyone had any thoughts about some others I was considering > picking up either via eMusic or iTunes. >> >>The Sherbs, "Defying Gravity" > Got this for a dollar. I treat this Obscuro type stuff like a scratch/lottery ticket: you hope you get a good one. I did. Good hooks...wonder what any of them went on to. Anyone know? > They have one other album I'm yet to come across. How is it? Anyone?