Jeez, this list is getting that you can't make even the most minor criticism without being shot down in flames. C'mon guys, Dave Bash is a good man who makes a living organising gigs that many of us enjoy going to. But he ain't doing it all out of pure altruism so don't feel obliged to put the poor guy on a pedestal. IPO gig-goers deserve as much thanks for their tireless attendance as Dave does for his tireless organisation. Yes I have seen rotten bands at IPO and sometimes I think that the sheer volume of bands involved means that the best of the talent can be diluted a bit too much. On the other hand I have also witnessed moments of magic as good as any other gigs I have ever attended (The Shazam and Off Broadway in Chicago, Flashcubes, Davenports and Mark Bacino in NYC, Mellowmen and Pezband in Liverpool). So, yes, props to Dave, but lets not totally clamp down on any dissention. I didn't think Dan Franke was bashing IPO at all - he even said he'd made far more musical discoveries than he'd suffered crappy bands. He even said up front that he was playing Devil's advocate ferchrissakes. It's the same with John Borack's book - I extolled it's virtues but everyone (including John) concentrates on my criticisms. Honestly, when creative types solicit feedback in future, I'll know that what they are really asking for is some ego-massage. I'm gonna compile my top 20 all-time faves over the weekend I think - looking forward to it already. np - Dr. Feelgood - "Down By The Jetty". Bob - 0131 24(51243) Systems Developer IS Development Solutions Annandale Street This e-mail is confidential, if you are not the intended recipient, do not retain/disclose it and please return it to us. We virus scan and monitor all e-mails but are not responsible for any damage caused by a virus/alteration of our e-mail by a third party after sending. For more information on Standard Life group, visit our website Standard Life plc (SC286832), Standard Life Assurance Limited* (SC286833) and Standard Life Employee Services Limited (SC271355) are all registered in Scotland at Standard Life House, 30 Lothian Road, Edinburgh EH1 2DH. *Authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. 0131 225 2552. Calls may be recorded/monitored. Standard Life group includes Standard Life plc and its subsidiaries. Please consider the environment. Think - before you print.