Been in Argie for 4 is my first music observations "Fool to Cry" by the Rolling Stones is still in rotation on one of the rock n roll stations here The Police played to 100 thousand fans at River Plate stadium Some band (Argie pop band) named "Soda Stereo" played for 100 thousand fans at the River Plate stadium for 3 shows My 50 something old cab driver, who did not speak English, still new all the words to Strange Love by Depeche Mode There is a small passionate reggae music following here in Argentina..including a couple of DJs that definitely take their cues from the BOBO Dreads in Jamaica..wear turbins and everything While one can hear most music on the radio, the kids love to dance to salsa, cumbia, merengue, and reggaeton Reggaeton is huge here Great music show called "Pasion Tropical" or Tropical Passion..local cumbia and reggaeton bands play on a stage that features some scantily clad women that dance behind the bands playing on a riser..sort of like Go-Go dancers...bands change every week but the dancing girls are the is my fave show on Argentine television Saw a four piece heavy metal playing in the subway that definitely took their cues from Iron Maiden. Argentines know the lyrics to most songs on the radio in English...they are not shy of singing at top lungs at clubs or dances. Some of the best singing is done by hordes of Argentine men at soccer matches