I'm surprised that so few people have ever heard the Expressos album (pardon me, I spelled it wrong the first time--it is "ss"), especially considering the glowing review it got in the Trouser Press guide, which is why I sought it out in the first place. Unfortunately the album has never been reissued on CD, and the original LP is very hard to find despite being on a major UK label (WEA.) No US release, which is probably why so few know it. It was released in the UK in 1983. Anyway, I encourage you all to check it out--it's as perfect a pop album as I have ever heard, one of the very few from my youth that sounds as good today as it did then. As to "PC," that's always a cop out to say that. I have been part of the power pop scene for many years as a writer, collector, and band leader, and I have been amazed by the disdain I have seen for bands with women...here in Cleveland the typical kind of thing we'd hear was (from a band who will remain nameless unless anyone really wants to know) "we don't play with girl bands." I think we've also often discussed the general theme of power pop lyrics, which isn't usually any more progressive than that of, say, heavy metal...but of course there are always exceptions. Many power pop lyrics are about subjects other than romance, and even some that are, are intelligent and have something of value to say. Oddly enough, the few female power pop fans I met over the years had the same tastes-- they only liked bands with male singers. My off the cuff listing of 3 LPs I like as not in any way meant to be definitive--it was just what came to my mind at the moment. I should also point out that I wish there were more female bands in the genre; I'm not just complaining about them being left out of the book. _________________________________________________________________ Get the power of Windows + Web with the new Windows Live. http://www.windowslive.com?ocid=TXT_TAGHM_Wave2_powerofwindows_122007