Hi Steve ! You might wanna check out the Samson G-Track! It's a microphone with guitar connection and it all goes through USB to the PC. It's really easy to use. http://www.samsontech.com/products/productpage.cfm?prodID=1917&brandID=2 This link should get you there. Fjeder www.shiner22.net Citat af Steve : > > > Does anyone here have any recommendation as to a decent, inexpensive > interface for connecting an electric guitar to a Windows Vista Computer? > I'd like to be able to try my hand at recording guitar parts and > multitracking on the computer. I have looked a the Line 6 pods and some > M-Audio stuff. I am thinking I would prefer to use something that would > give me a direct "clean" sound into the computer and then use something like > "Amplitube" or Native Instruments "Guitar Combos" to process the sound. But > then again, I know NOTHING of this, so any pointers would be appreciated. > > Thanks, > Steve Amos > >