Well, there's good stuff in there but I don't think he differentiates clearly enough between the tool of compression and the hideous overuse of it that plagues modern recordings... I don't argue how that use of it needs fixing yesterday, but I think many people will come away from reading that absolutely sure that compression is the problem rather than a certain use of it being the problem. -------------- Original message -------------- From: Jaimie Vernon > > At Date: Sun, 30 Dec 2007 12:36:05 -0800 > > > An excellent review of the disturbing trend discussed here quite a bit. > > > > URL: > > www.rollingstone.com/news/story/17777619/the_death_of_high_fidelity > > Oh, the irony... > > They've quoted producer David Bendeth talking about the tinkering with, and > degradation of, audio. This is the man who single-handedly took four Elvis > Presley songs, remixed them for the dance market and created the modern > abomination that was "A Little Less Conversation" that was tacked onto the > otherwise exception "30 #1 Hits". > > > > Jaimie Vernon, > President, Bullseye Records > http://www.bullseyecanada.com > > SWAG: > http://www.cafepress.com/bullseyecanada > BULLSEYE LIVE 365 RADIO: > http://www.live365.com/stations/bullseyerecords > > Author, Canadian Pop Music Encyclopedia > http://jam.canoe.ca/Music/Pop_Encyclopedia/ > > http://www.myspace.com/jaimievernonsmovingtargetz >