Out of respect for the rest of the list and Michael..I will refrain from making anymore remarks about airports and the various activities that occur there..I will no longer associate wimy pop music with sexual preference...or suggest any direct correlation between lovers of wimpy pop and subscribers to mens muscle or fitness magazines.. My latest outburst I blame on the fact that I am living in South America which is a very macho society. Argentina probably being the second most macho society in Latin America after Mexico. Please note that I am of pure Mexican blood. So, if you mix my heritage with a society that values and loves the macho man..well..you can imagine what that will do to one's psychology.. Hell...I am even growing a moustache! So to those I offended..please forgive me..To be honest..I had no freakin' idea Wilco had even released an album this year (that is god honest truth)..sorry Dan F..I thought Wilco had gone the way of that other great pop hope..the Counting Crowes (or is it Crows?).. Bryan..I have apparently hit a nerve with you that led to your impassioned outburst and defense of all wimpy pop..I admire that..and as far as I am concerned...to me you will always be the King of Wimpy Pop...be loud and wear it proud! I am sure I have offended others over the years..I think I have been on this list for 10 years or so..I may have even helped usher a few people in leaving the list..for that I am not proud.... I apologize to all my Canadian friends as well..I am sorry if I have offended you all over the years as well...I would type that in french if I knew that language..I am hoping Jaime or Segarini will translate for me.. Ok..nuff said..Michael..this is my last post on this matter..I will not be replying to any more posts on this subject..from now on..pure pop for now people One last request..can we at least not include Stewart's top 20 in our poll?....sorry..just kidding PS..by the way..I was not that Gene guy of the hip hop world..although I wonder who that was... all the best the macho borracho RIP the poppy professor RIP the dreadlocked Congo RIP gabriel A. fuentes