Well said Bryan! I've been back visiting Wisconsin (Go Packers!) and reading Audities on my phone. I've been waiting to get back to a full-on keyboard to voice my opinion on Gabe's new self-appointed cop-of-the-list position...but you did it for me. Anyone who wants to come to Gabe's defense just remember - He started it. NO ONE rips on Wilco around me! I'm already sick of the back-stabbing, mud-slinging, dirty politics of the primary campaigns...do we really need it here? Are you so scared of the new Wilco album, that you need to start a smear campaign or try to "bully" people into not voting for it? Hopefully, this will backfire on you and people who didn't care before will "check it out" to see what all the commotion is about. That said: It's not their best album (Yankee Hotel Foxtrot) - It's not their poppiest album (Summerteeth) - It is much better than "A Ghost is Born" - It is pretty mellow (in a laid-back 70's California kind of way) and takes a little bit more time to unfold. Fans of Josh Rouse's "1972" should like this one a lot. Wilco are great because they never tread water and repeat themselves from album-to-album. "Sky Blue Sky" isn't my favorite album of the year, but it's in my Top 5 or 10. Dear Gabe, I prefer to use the year-end list to discover new music...Those unheralded gems that flew under my radar (Dogs Die In Hot Cars is one that immediately comes to mind). I don't need my musical tastes validated by the over-all position my individual choices achieve - I already know what I like. - Dan FrankE ----- From: "Bryan" I'm a man and I like rock n' roll, and I also like Wilco and a lot of wimpy stuff. If you were speaking like this to me in a bar, I would probably either invite you outside to have a little further "discussion." Why don't you go FCC OFF!? Or better yet, leave this list and go find yourself another where you can go be manly with other folks who want to be manly together? Bryan ____________________________________________________________________________________ Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search. http://tools.search.yahoo.com/newsearch/category.php?category=shopping