----- Original Message ----- > If you were speaking like this to me in a bar, I would probably either invite you > outside to have a little further "discussion." Sorry this was so messed up -- I meant to say, "I would probaby either invite you outside to have a little further 'discussion,' or I'd find someone to do it for me...er...well, something like that. Either way, Gabe, you're really pushing it -- and obviously you have some major hang-ups about what it is to be a "man." You seem to focus a lot on whether listening to certain types of music make you a homosexual. Let me just point out that here in the U.S., when a politician does something like that in public, it usually means he's hiding a dirty little secret about himself. Bryan P.S. And by the way, it's okay to be who you really are, Gabe. It's only a problem if you're an a-hole. I've found most people don't want to be friends with a-holes.