Any feedback on Lily Allen? What is her music like? Check out, stay away? Suggested CDs? I like female vocal pop from Ivy to Nellie McKay to the Pipettes to the Supremes to Carole King to the Bangles to... well I could go on and on. How about the Magic Numbers? Again, what are they like? Check out, stay away? Suggested CDs? Also, my exposure to Genesis is mostly limited to the post Gabriel era, which I don't care for. I do however like the song Lamb Lies Down On Broadway, and some of Peter Gabriel's solo music. And I sometimes like intricate and involved prog pop, as long as it is highly melodic, composed (as opposed to free form meandering), and interesting (for instance, Karn Evil #9, Song For America, the first few Yes albums, etc.) Any suggestions on a good Gabriel-era Genesis album to try as a first step?