..and here I am, sat in my little bit of the UK, and my wife says to me: "Why do you still insist on receiving all those e-mails about insanely great pop?" To which I reply: "Because I just know one day that the audities crowd will fly off at a complete tangent and give me all I could never wish to know about Canadian politics" Thanks guys. Next week I hope to start a thread on the EU Common Agricultural Policy and maybe a little side order of just why there are now so many Lithuanian builders in the UK (not that there's anything wrong with that). Oh, and by the way, I thought I owned all the great power pop CD's. That is until Mr Borack's book drops through my letter box and now I realise I have to go and spend even more money. It's a job well done and it would be nice to think the book could reach a wider audience. But then, isn't that what we all say about power pop anyway? Mike.