> Hi Rick, > > Where do you live in Canada? Out west here in the prairies and in BC, we > don't learn French in school at all and it's only an option in high school. > Some students take it in high school but no one ever learns how to have a > conversation in French. An example of that is that every politician in > western Canada, including the current Prime Minster, Stephen Harper can't > speak French in parliament until he takes a course in French... > > Apparently only 1 % of Torontonians speak French. > > Mike V. Hi Mike, My apologies to the list members because this is wayy off topic, but one of the things that makes us Canadian (and not American), is our French Canadian influences. WE should embrace it, not complain. Because Bob grew up in the US, he doesn't get it. MIke, I don't where you are getting your data from - throwing at a dart board perhaps, magic 8 ball? I am from Manitoba, where French was compulsory up to Grade 9. I continued to take it up to University. There are lots of people that can speak French that I know. If you want a government job, you have to be bilingual. Learning French only opens doors, not closes them. I presently live (and teach) in Alberta, where French is compulsory up to Grade 7. So, I can only assume you live in Saskatchewan, and well, if that is the case, not much more needs to be said Rick