> That got me wondering what percentage it actually is that don't speak French > and here's what I found on Wikipedia. It looks like about 75 % of Canadians > speak English only but if you go outside the province of Quebec to the other > 9 provinces and 3 territories, 90 % of the population speaks only or mainly > English: Okay, do you really think Wikipedia is a good source of information? A site that you can add/delete whatever you want to? Terribly unreliable, Jesus was born in 1942, according to them/it. Honestly though, French is a mandatory subject in school in ALL Canadian provinces, up to Grade 6. After that, it is an option/elective. Some provinces it is mandatory up to Grade 8. Regardless, anyone who grew up in Canada and is under 35 should have a basic understanding of French. Every major city has a French TV channel, and all of our packaging is bilingual. It seems rather strange to me that Canadians don't seem to recognize that. NP American Heartbreak - strong POWER POP if you like the Exies and Robin Black