Your logic is baffling, by the way, comparing a post on discussion board with willing participants to a physical confrontation/situation with unwitting bystanders. What a hellion you must have been, by the way. Good to see that Gabe has dominated the board for another 12 hours. His smirk is getting larger. And of course he's not homophobic. It's called busting balls, people. >----- ------- Original Message ------- ----- >From: >To:, >Sent: Tue, 18 Dec 2007 -0800 (PST) 14:51:19 > >--- wrote: >> And what the hell that means, I have no idea. > > I got the reaction I wanted, didn't make what I >did right. > The ends do not justify the means. > >michael vg > > > >___________________________________________________ >_________________________________ >Looking for last minute shopping deals? >Find them fast with Yahoo! Search. > >p?category=shopping