"You guys go on and on about the weirdest shit on this list... Anybody here heard a new band lately that makes great music, yet doesn't sound like anyone else from your youth?...or the '60's?...or any other decade other than this one? bob" And yet ... from a few hours ago .... "Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2007 14:05:14 -0500 (EST) From: bob To: audities@smoe.org Subject: Re: Attn. Beatle Fans...an addendum. Message-ID: <633496.21756.qm@web88207.mail.re2.yahoo.com> Absolutely fascinating documentary. Apparently of BBC origin, and probably familiar to most Beatle fan-atics, it was really a validation of everything I've ever believed and read about the period told by the people that were there. The most amazing thing? How vividly it brought back the two years, '65 and '66, the Beatles lived in LA for the summer as a base for their American tours. When I have the time, I'll relate a few stories about what went on in La-La Land while they were there... See this if you haven't... bob" Hahahahahaha