----- Original Message ----- From: "Anna Borg" > Sorry I went off on Lavender Diamond. I generally > don't like those kinds of exchanges on this list, but > man. . . > > I still remember seeing them and just being SO annoyed > and angry with the whole set up. The warbling, the > cutesy outfits, the child-like lyrics. The rambling > on about nothing instead of actually performing songs. Diff'rent strokes. All I know is that I saw them after three boring sets by three terrible acts who clearly would have performed exactly the same songs exactly the same way if there had been no one in the room at all, and then Lavender Diamond came on and all four of them made a sincere effort to actually connect with the audience as performers in a way that never would have even occurred to any of the other bands. The fact that they actually seemed to give a crap about the audience made an impression. Sorry that it didn't happen for you the night you saw them, but what I saw was a band that seemed sincere in their attempt to entertain us after nearly two hours' worth of smirky hipster dinks. Although if Becky's voice annoys you, I am warning you right now: don't ever, ever, EVER go see Clare and the Reasons. Your head will explode. S