Caution: mini-rant coming. I know this is going to sound funny coming out of a well known Beach Boys obsessive whose last album was a live record covering Dennis and Carl Wilson material, but the Pet Sounds wannabee phenomenon really makes my eyes glaze over. To me, nearly every band that has obsessed over Pet Sounds has completely missed the point of the album. Yes, it's cool the way the piano run through the Leslie blended with the archtop guitar sounds, and yes, that tympani sure sounds dramatic, but untethered to the emotional heart of the record, it's just so many jagged lines on a ProTools sound file. What made Brian's music brilliant was that he managed to articulate pure emotion through sound (although Tony Asher's lyrics were, in their own way, masterful). When I hear someone overtly copping a lick from Pet Sounds on a record, what it conveys to me is someone who didn't really understand or value what the album was about in the first place. Now, I know that's an unfair statement taken to an extreme, but I'm just saying how it hits me. It didn't bother me so much when Jellyfish did it, because the whole point of Jellyfish was to do the excessive magpie pop thing, and they got away with it because they pulled it off so brilliantly and excessively (and also because the SPILT MILK album rocked like hell, which isn't the case of a lot of the bands that were disciples of that record). In that respect the Jellyfish albums are like Queen to me...they work not because of their obvious influences but on their own glorious bombastic terms. Jellyfish wasn't a safe band at all; they were audacious, and that's what made the vibe work for me. Pet Sounds isn't about pet's about pure emotion and open heartedness. You can't recreate that by putting together certain noises that ring a certain way. You have to have the soul and vision to imbue those sounds with meaning. And part of that comes from knowing clearly who you yourself are and being honest with that interior voice, which is hard to do when you're busy trying to recreate something that may have intense meaning to you, but really is the voice of someone else entirely. Just my .02 adam ________________________________________________________________________ More new features than ever. Check out the new AOL Mail ! -