Yeah! We've been playing that Rick Springfield disc for a over a week on the air AND it arrived the same day as his new Christmas album from another label. Two Rick Springfield CDs! So cool! Don't know if some Auditiers are familiar with singer-songwriter Margo Guryan but she will be a guest on my broadcast on public radio this Saturday afternoon. We'll feature music from her 1968 release "Take A Picture" and her recent "25 Demos" CD. No stranger to this list, John Borack, will also be on the air to discuss his latest book "Shake Some Action: The Ultimate Power Pop Guide". It can be heard online on KEAO's internet stream of the FM broadcast at It can also be heard by clicking on the play feature in The Time Machine radio program's Chat Room at If you'd like to join in the chat anytime from 4:05 PM to 7 PM West Coast Time, by all means, feel free to drop on by and ask Margo Guryan any questions that you may have. Tip: when you open the chat page, the room gives you a silly screen name. The name is usually located at the top of the user list. Just click on the name and you can change it to whatever name you desire. If you see people saying "Hi SweetCheeks" they could very well be talking to you, so changing the name is usually a good idea (unless you like SweetCheeks, then just carry on). Here's the info breakdown for this Saturday's broadcast: or 2PM to 5PM - Hawaii Time 4PM to 7PM - West Coast Time 7PM to 10PM - East Coast Time Aloha, Michael McCartney KEAO FM / KONI FM / KPMW FM / KTOH FM Now Playing: The sound of rain pouring thru my caved in roof... :=( Not sure where Santa is going to land this year.