Exceptional Pop songs that I first heard in 2007. Roger Jos Manning Jr. "I Wish It Would Rain" Simply one of the most perfect pop songs. Ever. It brings great joy each time I hear it. The middle 8 (run for cover on three....) is sublime. Midlake "Roscoe" I can't quite put my finger on it, but there is something about this song that pushes all of the right buttons. Sublime. The Nines "Good night my Love" from their Christmas EP. Stunningly Gorgeous Lullaby. I can't listen to it with out losing some tears. Artists I heard for the first time. Stabilo It is criminal that there are no American releases of this underrated Band. Jim Wolf Dude writes great songs, executes them well Hidden Cameras There brand of retro is really appealing Drake Bell What a shame that these songs are not getting played on the radio. This is what the kids should be listening. He acts, he sings, he writes great songs, he plays most of the instruments and does most of the vocals. It's pop, gospel, and tin pan alley. Biggest Surprise - Chis Daughtry. His debut spent a lot of time in my CD player since it's release. Most Unusual Rekkid Dark Voices - Dark Side of the Moon. A Capella vocal project to recreate the entire Pink Floyd release of DSOTM. It is tempo controlled to match the original so it can work with the Wizard of Oz. It is a striking and phenomenal work that doesn't disappoint. Movies Once. Wonderful "love lost" movie. The DVD is on order as I speak and I will decrypt it and attempt to make a soundtrack of the actual movie instead of the polished studio versions of the songs on the actual soundtrack. It was the magic of those film performances that appealed to me the most. Across the Universe. Fun fun fun. I was channeling Ken Russell and Tommy the entire time. Like, totally, far out, fer sure. Tom Warfel, Dude Esq.