The BC Camplight, Blink of a Nihilist, is fantastic and worth seeking out on import in the US, especially for lovers of Beach Boys/Bacharach-y orchestral pop. Glorious stuff. Matt Whitby wrote: Top 20 Albums of 2007. A list in constant flux and edit. 1/ Automat - Self-titled Jeez. This is one album that was always just on the verge of being released and I simply COULD NOT WAIT. This is an absolutely stunning album and I urge everyone to buy a copy. Hooks galore and it's the album that i've listen to more than everything else put together. 2/ Scouting for Girls - Self-titled Appearing quite late in the year it was soon vying for the number one spot. Really bouncy, happy music with funny, clever lyrics. With the bonus "secret" track of 'Strachan' quite the biggest ear-worm of the year. 3/ John Hoskinson 4/ The Nines 5/ Jackdaw4 6/ B.C.Camplight 7/ The Hoosiers 11/ Jason Falkner - I'm OK... You're OK It's been such a long, long wait that my expectation level was set very high. Initially apart from a few tracks I wasn't as excited as i'd hoped I would have been. There were certainly flashes of the old Jason Falkner in there alongside songs which bear influences of artists he's worked with, for example "Hurricane" which tastes of Air. After i'd calmed down and listened to it with a slightly less judgemental head it began to grow on me. Frankly for the tracks "Say it's true" and "I don't mind" it'd be worth the cost of the album alone. 12/ Rooney Disappointment of 2007: Rilo Kiley's "Under the blacklight". "Cheapest" album of 2007: Radiohead Albums released before 2007 which have only just reached my ears: The f**king excellent Bryan Scary and 2005's "The shredding tears". On 04/12/2007, Sam Smith wrote: > MINIPOP - A New Hope > BLONDE REDHEAD - 23 > > Nice calls. If you like these, check out the new LoveLikeFire, as well. > > -- > > _______________________ > > *Sam Smith* > > *voice: * *303.229.0619 /m * > *aim:* lullabypit > *skype:* docsammy22 > *e-mail:* > *web:* > --------------------------------- Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.