> Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2007 10:05:17 -0800 > Man, there are so many great bass players, and, for > melodic pop music, it truly does start with Paul > McCartney. I often think his bass playing is > overshadowed by all his other talents, but the bass > line for "Silly Love Songs", alone, cements his > position at the top of the four-stringed heap, IMHO. Speaking of which.... Anyone grab the new McCartney Years DVD boxed set yet? Wife bought it for me for my birthday. Have only plowed through the first disc so far. The sequencing is absolutely daft ("Tug Of War" then "Say Say Say" then "Silly Love Songs" then "Band On The Run") but just seeing this old footage again -- and some I've never seen before like the beautifully shot video for 'Waterfalls' -- is illuminating. There's 45 single song videos some with alternate camera angles, some alternate videos for "Band On The Run" (the song and an album medley) and "Mull Of Kintyre" (I prefer the live action Paul, Linda and Denny walking toward the Scottish castle with the bag-pipers stomping waist-deep in the beach head sand traps during the solo over the studio concocted fake scenery version), a TV special where McCartney explains what the f*ck he was thinking putting together the classical motif during the "Eleanor Ribgy" segment of 'Give My Regards To Broadstreet', 'Creating Chaos At Abbey Road', 7 songs from the film 'Rock Show', 4 songs from MTV's 'Unplugged', the restored Live Aid performance of "Let It Be", the Superbowl XXX1X performance, and 11 songs from his first ever appearance at Glastonbury a few years back. Happy birthday to me.... > I guess my favorite rock bassist -- go ahead, laugh! > -- is Geddy Lee. There are moments where Lee and Peart > do some incredibly intense inter-locked sections that > have, on occasion, moved me to tears. For an example, > please, I beg you, listen closely to the bass and > drums underneath the guitar solo on the song "Red > Barchetta". Oh man! That bass melody -- played so > fiercely, with such chutzpah and attitude! -- is > simply perfection. It's the melody Lee plays that I > find truly moving. It's just beautiful. As a vocalist, Geddy is one of the greatest riff-rock bassists of all time :-) Jaimie Vernon, President, Bullseye Records http://www.bullseyecanada.com SWAG: http://www.cafepress.com/bullseyecanada BULLSEYE LIVE 365 RADIO: http://www.live365.com/stations/bullseyerecords Author, Canadian Pop Music Encyclopedia http://jam.canoe.ca/Music/Pop_Encyclopedia/ http://www.myspace.com/jaimievernonsmovingtargetz