Guitar players who turn bass players scare me. Too busy in their playing. Oh ... wait ... is that a mirror over there ... damn .... :) john micek ----- Original Message ----- From: "Kerry Kompost" To: Sent: Friday, November 30, 2007 1:05 PM Subject: Re: Bassists > Thanks in large part to Kenny Howes, I got to spend a > little time with Chris Squire last year (he played the > Rickenbacker 50th anniversary shindig last summer, > Kenny worked his ass off putting that thing > together!). > > I was privy to a rehearsal or two; it was truly > amazing to see Squire simply plug "that bass" into the > rehearsal studio stock bass amp, sans pedals, and > immediately get "that sound". Unreal. I talked to his > tech who told me that the Rickenbacker was flawed in > some respect with regard to the pick-ups; this flaw is > -- supposedly -- responsible for "that sound". The > tech told me that, in the late 60's, he'd "fixed" the > bass and it changed the sound, so he "un-fixed" it and > it's been legend ever since. > > And, no, he didn't tell me how to do it myself, the > bastard. > > Man, there are so many great bass players, and, for > melodic pop music, it truly does start with Paul > McCartney. I often think his bass playing is > overshadowed by all his other talents, but the bass > line for "Silly Love Songs", alone, cements his > position at the top of the four-stringed heap, IMHO. > > I guess my favorite rock bassist -- go ahead, laugh! > -- is Geddy Lee. There are moments where Lee and Peart > do some incredibly intense inter-locked sections that > have, on occasion, moved me to tears. For an example, > please, I beg you, listen closely to the bass and > drums underneath the guitar solo on the song "Red > Barchetta". Oh man! That bass melody -- played so > fiercely, with such chutzpah and attitude! -- is > simply perfection. It's the melody Lee plays that I > find truly moving. It's just beautiful. > > There's a bassist named Bryan Beller who is also > insanely great, albeit more in a Berkeley School of > Music way rather than as a pure melodic player. Chops, > chops and more chops, but also melodic as anything. > Again, he turns my ears on because he's able to > combine melody with finesse and technique and, in the > process, elevate the song. > > I admit, I just love playing bass, even though guitar > is my main focus. If you can play guitar, you can play > bass, although not always in the same way as a "pure" > bassist. But as a guitarist playing bass, it's really > freeing because you realize, "Hey, I'm basically > solo-ing here all the time!" It's so much fun. Plus, > you REALLY have to clam, big-time, to have a > detrimental effect on the song; you can get away with > a little more leeway than the other instruments. > > kErrY > > > > > ____________________________________________________________________________________ > Be a better sports nut! Let your teams follow you > with Yahoo Mobile. Try it now. >;_ylt=At9_qDKvtAbMuh1G1SQtBI7ntAcJ >