----- Original Message ----- From: "Jaimie Vernon" > If you can't *hear* the bass in the song then it's been deliberately > mixed that way. My complaint about modern producers is that bass > parts are now relegated to merely a sonic tone on recordings. You > can only hear the parts if you're listening to the CDs on stereo > systems with booming sub-woofers. Gone are the days when the bass > line carried the song ("Day Tripper" by the Beatles, "Money" by Pink > Floyd.....or, gasp, "With Or Without You" by u2). Bass players have > become kick drum enhancers....and not melody line creators. This may > not be true of a lot of the power pop we listen to, but out there in > the commercial world of knock-off major label production it is the > norm. Depends on the genre: ever since contemporary alt-rock bands discovered Joy Division a few years ago, you get a lot of bass-forward songs there these days. Interpol's big hit from a couple years ago, "Evil" -- I don't think the guitar even comes in until the first chorus. See also Franz Ferdinand, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, that sort of thing. S