> From: Bob Hutton > To: AUDITIES@SMOE.ORG > Subject: SHAKE SOME ACTION BOOK > > Anyone else started perusing the book yet? Any comments on surprise > omissions from the 200 best powerpop albums of all time? I must admit I > am quite disappointed that The Davenports first album never made it in (as > far as I can see) - it contains a stupendous bunch of songs. > > Bob No doubt this is going to be the inevitable response from most readers: how they agree or disagree with the selections offered in the book, what they feel should have been included, shouldn't have been, etc...Obviously, if everyone did a list of their Top 200 powerpop albums it would be like snowflakes: no two would be alike. You must remember that the list in Shake Some Action is one man's opinion, albeit a very informed opinion. There are very few people on the planet who have as much knowledge about power pop as John Borack, and many people who look at the list may be surprised as to how many of its albums they haven't heard (or even heard of). Each entry in the list includes a synopsis written by Mr. Borack, and within those synopses are mini-reviews of the album in question. Hopefully the list will serve to inform readers about albums they might have missed, and help fill some gaps. Besides, there's a lot more to the book than the Top 200 list. An excellent article on the history of power pop written by Carl Cafarelli, various "Top 10" lists by musicians and writers (along with their musings about the lists), and other pieces that examine sub-genres of power pop, various events, labels, etc... All in all, you're not going to find a better book on the subject, anywhere. Oh, and the CD which comes with it ain't bad, neither! -- Shake Some Action Rules!!!!! Take Care, David