Yr Kidding, Bob matie, right?! Out of the thousands of great albums out there, you really thought all 200 on the list were going to connect w/ ya directly and agree and not left wondering, irked? ;-P Seriously, the idea of one person (John Borack) doing a list like this is to --- amidst the 'amen, brother john!' --- rankle a bit, spur reaction, discussion w/ ones self or whoever (positive and negative) and, then, a bit of curious researching for the items not heard of or overlooked. I think the Davenports would be a fine, fine candidate for the Top 50 most overlooked, unknown, unheard power pop albums, quite possibly. But that...is for Volume Two. :-D My copy is long lost, though, so - see, I have to investigate further! ENJOY! Bruce @ Not Lame > From: > Reply-To: > Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2007 16:00:28 -0500 > To: > Subject: audities-digest V5 #660 (11 msgs) > > Anyone else started perusing the book yet? Any comments on surprise > omissions from the 200 best powerpop albums of all time? I must admit I > am quite disappointed that The Davenports first album never made it in (as > far as I can see) - it contains a stupendous bunch of songs. > > Bob