Rooney was on the O.C. and featured nearly weekly as a POSTER on the wall of the character "Seth Cohen". I actually enjoyed the O.C. and looked forward to the weekly ending of the show where they would tell you the music that had been featured that week (at least, ONE of the artists). Steve -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Matthew George Sent: Friday, November 23, 2007 7:36 PM To: Subject: Rooney So, I went to see Rooney this evening. Actually, I also saw the Little Ones, by hot-footing it from one venue to another, but that's another story. Thing is, when did Rooney become poster-boys for 14 year old girls? I'd always assumed they'd be appreciated by chin-stroking power-pop fans in their early/mid-30s. But tonight's gig was like a school disco. Have they been on Hollyoaks/O.C. or something? What cultural meme have I missed this time? Apart from me and the Mrs. the only over-30s were the parents of the children (I kid you not...there were at least 10 parents present, stood at the back or just outside the main room, keeping half an eye on their kids). By the way, they were quite good, but seemed to get a bit too carried away by the dozens of screaming girls. A quieter crowd might have forced a more concentrated performance. The Little Ones were far better, and seemed genuinely surprised by the generous and grateful (and slightly more mature) Bristol crowd. So what did I miss with Rooney? O.C.? Advertisements? Matt.