> But, when Dylan becomes so engrained in the culture that those who > don't follow music closely simply believe he was the musical genius > of the times...does that mean he's overrated or just that he has > become a cultural icon for a time and taken on larger the life > status. I mean is it his music that is overrated (from the period of > time he was seen as significant) or is it what he represents > culturally in time to "non music fans" might be more significant then > the actual music. I know none of this really contradicts the > Stewart's thoughts but I'm just chewing on it a bit. Valid point, Steve - I'm sure we've all met people who claim to love jazz and drop Miles' name like a touchstone when you know they've never heard a note and would run screaming down the hall if they did. There's people who swear that Bruuuuce is the best live act ever who have never seen him play. What's that old line...tell a lie often enough and it becomes the truth? b