I had the absolute pleasure of seeing The New Pornographers live in Manchester earlier this week. I am in the midst of my busiest couple of weeks at work but it was great to be able to take time out for this show. They were playing the smallest venue at the University - about 300 capacity, and it was pretty much sold out. I've thoroughly enjoyed all their albums, probably because they have all been growers to some extent, and when they finally hit me, they floor me. Live they were a completely different concept. Engaging and lively from the off, they were obviously having a great time. Plenty of in-band jokes and laughs without alienating the audience in any way. Songs old and new mixed together for a fabulous set list. Sorry I can never rememeber set-lists - I'm too busy enjoying myself - but pretty much all the songs I wanted to hear were there. "The Bleeding Heart Show", "Spanish Techno", "Challengers", "Twin Cinema" and "All The Old Showstoppers" deserve special mention. Kathryn Calder is developing into such a captivating singer and the harmonies with Carl Newman, and occasionally Kurt Dahle were so good that you almost forgot Neko Case wasn't touring with them. Absolutely brilliant. Check 'em out if you can. If you like Kathryn's voice also check out her other band, Immaculate Machine. Mike.