----- Original Message ----- From: "John L. Micek" >I may have told this story before, but I wouldn't be playing music >were it not for "Under a Blood Red Sky." Seeing that concert on MTV >inspired me to pick up a bass guitar, and sparked the love affair >with pop that's endured to this day. > It's a priceless record, and U2 has rarely sounded so ferocious. I'm sure I've told this story here before, but I was at that concert. And as cool as it looked on MTV, let me tell you: we were frickin' FREEZING in that rain! Interestingly, I just ran a Google check to remind myself of the exact date of that concert (the same week was the equally looming-in-my-memory show that was the last time I ever saw the English Beat, with Bow Wow Wow and some kids called R.E.M. opening) and I found a bit of what strikes me as revisionist history: the Alarm's website claims that their set was cancelled because of the weather, specifically saying that they were unable to play on the day of the show due to the rain. On the other hand, my memory is that the Alarm started their set and were booed off after only a couple songs, because the crowd was exceedingly cranky due to the general cold and wetness. It's truly testament to U2's power as a live act that they started off with a crowd that was basically out for blood, or as out for blood as a Boulder crowd can be (what can I say, it's a mellow place), and they turned the entire vibe around. As crap as many U2 records have been in the nearly quarter century since then, I've never entirely dismissed them because of that memory.