Got to call bullshit on the Lydon bashing, saying that he 'didn't have any songs'. Simply not true. Enough has been said/written about Bollocks. We can all admit that it's a tremendously important (and great) record. After the Pistols broke up, everyone was expecting JL to remain Johnny Rotten and put out Bolllocks, Pt. 2. Instead, he formed Public Image, Ltd and released music that was not only radically different than the Pistols, but also extremely influential to the post punk world (somewhere in Dublin the Edge was listening to Keith Levine). No songs? Death Disco, Rise, Disappointed and others are, in a word, fantastic. You may not like JL's voice, but rock and roll/punk/whatever isn't about technique, range, etc. as much as it is about delivery and attitude. And for the fact that he told that carb-head Wenner to fuck off means we should respect him (dare I say 'love'?) even more.