I have said this before here,and it relates to the first time I heard it."Sgt Pepper" is my favorite Beatles album ever and it plays tag with "Pet Sounds" as my #1 album of all times. I was in the army in Germany the week it came out.I listened to it in a listening booth in a German record store and my mind was blown.I never listened to an album the way I listened to that one.Can;t say why.Just the way it hit me.Believe me,I love "Rubber Soul" and "Revolver" but nothing quite affected me like "Pepper".Based on how many times I really listened to it and was constantly blown away by it,this was a masterpiece.I would never call this one over rated. While I am on a 3:30 am roll here,I will say that Dylan's singing on "Blonde on Blonde" is some of the best ever. I never missed a Springsteen show in Chicago and every show was a revelation.The "River" tour was the best show I ever saw.No one could match his intensity and commitment to performing.Every time you saw him he got better. > From: synthhtnys@comcast.net > To: audities@smoe.org > Subject: 1 album I will stand by > Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2007 05:32:03 +0000 > > Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band > > I know the current vogue is to trash it, and not all the criticism I've read misses the mark, but to me SPLHCB is like the old saying: "If half the people say it's too green and the other half say it isn't green enough it's probably the exactly right shade of green". > > In my personal experience it was the first album as high art that was also accessible... I simply reached for it, put it on and ... really listened to it as opposed to being backgound noise to something else. > > Yes, I also like Revolver the best of their albums as many do, but I can't disregard the sheer impact of this album on so many levels. The timbre became as important as the melody for the first time in my young listening experience... (well, wait a minute there was Autobahn too....) > > I've only recently dipped into some of these posts so if someone else has already gone over this, sorry... but I simply wanted to add $00.02 _________________________________________________________________ Put your friends on the big screen with Windows Vista® + Windows Live™. http://www.microsoft.com/windows/shop/specialoffers.mspx?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_CPC_MediaCtr_bigscreen_102007