There comes a point where no band getting the kind of press attention most of those have received could ever live up to their reputations. And most have lived for years or decades straddling the greatest of all time lists as well as the most overrated lists. Try googling "nirvana overrated" - I think the term should be changed to "over-discussed" or "over-analyzed". If there ever came a point where these sacred cows fell out of favor - they'd still be on the cover of Mojo with the headline "Inside: 25 Reasons Why Sucks". Its interesting to discuss the legacy of these artists - but outside the context of their original success many or most are very easy to pick apart. The Stones and Dylan being two of the easiest targets - having such peaks and valleys in their careers. I refuse to rate them on their average - prefer to add up the total great moments when I'm keeping score. I just don't listen to the ones I don't like. -- Lee Elliott