On Mon, 26 Nov 2007, Bob Hutton wrote: > I am playing Devil's Advocate with some of these, but not all. > 4. The Byrds - Gene Clark is exempt, but if you take away his > contributions there ain't all that much left to write home about, is there? Roger McGuinn did play a mean 12-string, David Crosby hit some nice high notes, and "Sweetheart of the Rodeo" is pretty awesome... > 11. Pink Floyd - Says nothing to me about my life. "Piper" said a lot to me when I was a teen :) > 15. The Clash - An incoherent rabble of ill-conceived political flummery. But fun! > 16. Queen - Too polished, too pompous, too bombastic, too show-offy But fun! > 22. XTC - Wilfully arty when they could let their melodies flourish - I > just can't see why they are held in such high esteem by power-poppers. Seriously? > 24. Myracle Brah - Great first album, subsequent records just didn't > have good songs in sufficient quantity. Plus Andy Bopp's voice can grate > after a while. I never liked this name...