----- Original Message ----- From: "Drew MacDonald" > >And what was that stupid ass band name? >>I'm at work, stunted google abilities... > > "June & The Exit Wounds." > > I can't think of anything LESS evocative of that music, which --as > Stewart > accurately noted-- is full of "overt Rundgren and SURF'S UP-era > Beach Boys > references." I still don't think it's that awful a band name. It was definitely a better band name than Twiggy, which had nothing to do with anything. (I mean, *maybe* you could do a kind of retro-freakbeat thing kind of like the first few Television Personalities records and call it Twiggy and have it make sense, but Todd Fletcher's band sounded like the dB's, so it's not even the same decade as far as cultural references go.) And for that matter, the album title doesn't make a bit of sense in that musical context either: a reference to Henry Gibson's racist country singer in NASHVILLE? Really? I dunno -- it was a band name and an album title that caught the eye, and given how tiny the market was for Rundgren and SURF'S UP cops in...what was it, '98? '99?...anyway, he could have called it SOMETHING/SO TOUGH? by Runt and the Passions and it would have been a commercial non-starter. I'm just glad I've got "How Much I Really Loved You" to remember. S