Thought you might like to know that Arthur Alexander's "Lonely Just Like Me" CD has been re-released. Alexander was a medium level Soul singer in the late 1950s and early 1960s. He fell out of favor, and by the 1980s he was driving a school bus in Cleveland, Ohio. Elektra Records 'rediscovered' him in the early 1990s, and released the brilliant "Lonely Just Like Me" album. Like Roy Orbison about five years earlier, Arthur Alexander died just as his comeback was really getting in gear. Alexander's main significance is that he is the songwriter of "Anna (Go To Him)", and "Soldier Of Love" both covered by the Beatles. He's also the author of "Go Home Girl" recorded by the Rolling Stones. And Elvis Pressley also recorded Alexander's "Hunk Of Burning Love". This album is one that I've really enjoyed for the last 15-years. And I'm glad it was re-release on CD because my cassette tape went bad a couple years back. Fantastic album that bridges the worlds between Stax Soul, Country & Western, and Beatle's style Power-Pop.