you know what... if only because they scammed a double gatefold from Capitol Canada... The Big Town Boys album.... there is some COOL stuff on there.... and Stan Klees had all kinds of one shot singles and stuff on his Red Leaf label (what? British Modbeats anyone) which will never see the light of day again... what... The Wackers aren't Canadian??? Noooooo...... hahhahaaaaaa....... Brutus with Walter Zwol (the amazing glam live show, not the wimpy album, hey I LIKE the album, but it's NOT the live band that blew my mind when they rocked my college pub night)... Les Chanceliers (with Michel Pagliaro) - great album and even greater GREEN VELOUR DRAPECOATS (can you say "Hey my uncle Tony can make us some outfits!") that are so uncool - they are cool.... everybody else has covered the basics - thought i'd come in sideways on this one.... so much stuff still un-reissued.... Sherry Keane, for one. LOVED that single (I Want You Back) and the Hi-Fi's (pre-Blue Rodeo)... every year I ask them if I can do a cd and every year they say no... hahahaaa.... LOVED that band.... and last but not least, the Robert Charlebois lp that has "Lindbergh" - not pop necessarily but a great work that captured a particular Canadian/Quebec zeitgeist (jazz/rock/psych) at a random strike of lightning (his track "Tout Ecartille - a raved up song about Marie Laforet -what?! - is a big fave of mine) ralph * you might want to sample through my Sophisticated Boom Boom cd on itunes or emusic next time you're on there (by my band, RALPH) as do we some fantastic genre jumping on that one....