----- Original Message ----- From: "Gene Good" To: "Stewart Mason" ; Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2007 5:55 AM Subject: Re: alert for Pooh Sticks fans >Stewart, > Just listened to this.Very cool.And I was just listening to "Trade > mark of Quality" the other day. > A couple questions.What is Hue doing these days.I had heard he had > his own label but really never heard anything about it. That's a good question. To be honest, it was only when Jon (LH's owner) posted this song the other day that I learned that Steve Mitchell (who has occasionally posted tracks and write-ups to Little Hits) was in fact Steve Gregory of Pooh Sticks fame! > I know this was covered before, but can you subscribe to Little > Hits? It is well worth reading,especially for someone like myself > with a huge shelf . I personally don't use RSS or any other kind of subscription service, but I literally just about five minutes ago discovered by accident that if you use Firefox as your web browser (which I strongly recommend regardless -- I've been using web browsers since Mosaic was state of the art, and Firefox is the best, period), you can subscribe to any site through your aggregator of choice just by clicking the subscribe icon at the far right end of the address bar. S