Excellent. I'll most definitely be getting a copy. Your last album was best of the year. On 06/10/2007, david henwood wrote: > > This might be of interest to the group and Nines fans. > > The Nines have a new album and are starting to preview it on myspace...here is the note from the mail list > hello, just wanted to let you all know that the we are streaming songs from the Nines' new album, Gran Jukle's Field on the nines myspace page, www.myspace.com/ninespop . The new album features collaborations with Jason Falkner (The Grays, Jellyfish), Bleu (L.E.O), Tim Bovaconti (Ron Sexsmith) and many others...hope you like...cheerZ 999999999999 > _________________________________________________________________ > Show your pals how you really feel! Learn more today! > http://www.freemessengeremoticons.ca/ > -- ______________________________________________________ Great songs @ www.myspace.com/daviddoll www.last.fm/music/David+Doll www.daviddoll.com