I guess it's something to get worked up over if you begin with the premise that being inaugurated into the R&R Hall of Fame is an honor. I think it's just industry self-congratulation. I don't need to be told which part of the canon needs to be worshipped and which does not. And as for Madonna, I can't get too worked up about it. There's pop artists in the "rock" hall as well. John Micek ----- Original Message ----- From: "Holmes Online" To: "Auditeers" Sent: Friday, September 28, 2007 11:49 AM Subject: Blow Me, Rolling Stone > They're leaking the list of new nominees and who are they touting? > Madonna. Nice job, Jann Wiener. Many moons ago, I remember reading RS > cover to cover like a Bible the day it arrived. Now it wouldn't know > "rock'n'roll" if it bit them in the ass. > > I guess I shouldn't really care what these buffoons do, but it still gets > under my skin. > > b > > > >