Harp and Paste. Now "Harp's" the one that grows from the bottom of the cave, and "Paste's" the one that grows from the top, right? I can never tell the difference ... My vote's with Mojo as the best all-around rock mag, though I would like them to declare a 12-month Beatles/Dylan moratorium. john micek ----- Original Message ----- From: "Steve Alter" To: Sent: Friday, September 28, 2007 1:33 PM Subject: Re: Blow Me, Rolling Stone > RS jumped that shark decades ago, when they did cheesecake shots of Linda > Ronstadt when Living in the USA came out; that really was the end of it as > a music mag for me. (Not that I had a problem with Linda's cheesecake, I > just didn't want to see them there. ;-)) There's still occassionally > decent political and music jounalism buried in there, but it is > subservient to the mag's pop culture marketing bent. > > Mojo is without question the best real music mag, though Q is still OK > (gone the way of RS a little bit over the past few years). I also read > Harp and Paste regularly, because they cover music I like, but the writing > is realllly inconsistent. > > As for the Hall, no it's not really a "Rock 'n' Roll" Hall of Fame, and > it's a disgrace how many important folks aren't acknowledged while Madge > gets in...but I'll just walk past her stuff when I'm there, (Just like > I'll walk past Bobby Bond's in Cooperstown.) > > > Aaron Milenski wrote: > >> Yup. RS stopped being relevant decades ago. > It is to rock journalism >> what Danielle Steele is to literature.> Give me MOJO any day. > I was in a local bookstore a few years ago looking for the newest issue of > Mojo, and the woman who worked there said "yes, a magazine that actually > is about music. Look at this!" And she proceeded to show me the display, > where the Mojo magazine had a photo of a band with their guitars on the > cover and Rolling Stone, Spin and a number of other US "music mags" had > half-naked women on the covers. > _________________________________________________________________ > Invite your mail contacts to join your friends list with Windows Live > Spaces. It's easy! > http://spaces.live.com/spacesapi.aspx?wx_action=create&wx_url=/friends.aspx&mkt=en-us > > > > --------------------------------- > Pinpoint customers who are looking for what you sell. >