When Napster was first available, CD sales ROSE. Instead of shutting it down, the Music Inustry should have monetized it and let people buy their music the way they wanted to. Why would anyone want to punish people that love music as much as the P2P crowd? I'm an artist, and I WANT people to hear my music...that's why I recorded it in the first place. Major label deals are so bad, that you make more money off an Indie release on the internet that 100 people pay for on iTunes, than you would for 1000 CD's sold at retail stores. It's the future...people that do not understand the new paradigm are living in the past, luddites, and KILLING the best, easiest, least expensive way to sell music. Greedy bastards... bob Drew MacDonald wrote: I'm all in favor of P2P-site poisoning, as many friends and my favorite artists depend on income from copyrighted material. The big lesson in this latest foofrah is an old lesson -- all it takes is one idiot to screw things up for everyone. (The idiot in this case being the MediaDefender employee who put business emails on his gmail account.)