----- Original Message ----- From: "Craig Leve" > Stewart, > > Your words provided the key. I simply stopped it from syncing with > iTunes > and it worked fine. So perhaps it's something to do with the attempt > to act > on another program that they haven't got figured out just yet. Yes, I was immediately dubious about that supposed feature, so I unchecked it immediately. Honestly, how hard is it to open the My eMusic folder and drag-drop the mp3 files into iTunes yourself? > > Slight reward, I downloaded an album that had been well-reviewed by > yourself > on all music once I was able to download. You can take that to the > bank, > alright. Glad to help! Speaking of iTunes, any of the early adopters among us upgrading to the iPod Classic yet? I played with one briefly at an Apple Store in Toronto last week and was highly pleased by its overall feel. The click wheel is a bit different, more tactile than before. As soon as my bank account recovers from the atrocious exchange rate (damn near parity right now) and the $600 kennel fee for the dog, I'm replacing my increasingly battered 3rd Gen. S