Coming in late with a reply...I have a canadian comp called more of our stupid noise. The last track is len covering the laverne and shirley theme. And to add to the teen music thread, I would include Michael Shelley's "We Invented Love". Damian Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2007 11:57:34 -0400 From: "Seaman, Dave" Covers of the Mary Tyler Moore and MASH theme songs by Joan Jett and the Manic Street Preachers, respectively - which made me think, this would be a fun mix tape - pop and rock covers of TV show themes. Outside of the Saturday AM Cartoon theme cover CD I own, I can't think of any others. Anyone out there have any ideas? Particularly shows from the 60s-80s? _________________________________________________________________ Kick back and relax with hot games and cool activities at the Messenger Café.