At Date: Fri, 21 Sep 2007 10:41:50 Robert wrote: >Agreed on Pavement and Nick Cave (despite repeated listening attempts). >Digging back to some classics, I've always thought I SHOULD like Sonic >Youth, but I don't. Throw Rush, Patti Smith (not Smyth!), Television, >and Stone Roses into that category as well. You'd think I'd like this stuff too given that I was a fan of minimalists Suicide, talentless collective CRASS, and The Residents. But all the acts above just leave me wanting. And throw Jesus & (Bloody) Mary Chain in there as well. Nice novelty schtick for one album, guys....but the noise blender gag just wears thin after repeated listening. Give me Lou Reed's "Metal Machine Music" or "Dirk Wears White Sox" by Adam & The Ants and I've had enough deliberately bad music to at least qualify it as artistic statements. >More recently, I find myself wanting to like Arcade Fire, The >Decemberists, Sufjan Stevens, M.I.A., Spoon, LCD Soundsystem, and a host >of other critically acclaimed indie rockers. But, I just don't. I just find it the evil step child of EMO. All this sulking and moping. And Ron Sexsmith as its manicly depressed parade scout. Right now I'm digging releases by Orson and The Enemy (and patiently awaiting the new 999 reunion album). Jaimie Vernon, President, Bullseye Records SWAG: BULLSEYE LIVE 365 RADIO: Author, Canadian Pop Music Encyclopedia _________________________________________________________________ Former Police Officer Paul Gillespie’s TAKE BACK THE INTERNET tips and tricks, watch the video now