----- Original Message ----- From: "AssociationWorks" > ....or Patty Smyth for that matter. > > I've tried...I've tired...I've tried...and I've tried again > and I jsut can't!! > Oh c'mon. "Shootin' down the walls of heartache, bang bang/I am The Warrior..." -- what's not to like there? Or "Goodbye To You," with that great "Palisades Park" ripoff organ solo by Paul Shaffer. That's a great song! >Now, that crappy duet with Don Henley, that sucked... >S Agreed, agreed. I always liked her cover of "Downtown Train" as well. It's a whole lot better than Rod Stewarts', that's for sure (Rod, for Gods sake, RETIRE already!). The instrumentation is a bit too MOR, but she sings the hell out of it, I think. Then again, there has always been a little voice in the back of my head suggesting to me that maybe "it's just me" with this song. Wouldn't be the first time, that's for darn sure. Mrs. Johnny Mac has also recorded some pretty neat stuff with Philly's own The Hooters over the years. Okay, this is gettting weird, I'll stop now. jeff t. (Lettuce not forget Don's similarly crappy "Leather and Lace" duet with Stevie Nicks. Quickly now, who can name some MORE crappy Don Henley duets? Crappy, crappy crappy. I just like saying Crappy.)