I took advantage of it today...twice!! By the way my new fake (stage) name is Jessie Chandler. I saw the commercial late last night as I woke up to turn the tv off.... Oh yeah for those interested, my old metal band has a myspace page. We did a song back in early 1991 that was released just this year in 2007 that was really Raspberries influenced even apeing the "Momma Yeah's" & "Come On's" the production is pretty 80's but I'd be curious to see what the Auditees Raspberries people think of the tune itself (can you tell the guitarist & me were huge Raspberries fans) over at www.myspace.com/oneyrocks (slide the song bar all the way down to show the 5th song) the song is called "Take Me Now" Chuck Oney The Vague n/p "Hello" The Sonic Executive Sessions Tribute to Jellyfish CD www.myspace/thevagueonline that Walgreens is filling one printer cartridge per family free of charge today only.. If anyone can take advantage of such generous offer ...have at it. -r --------------------------------- Pinpoint customers who are looking for what you sell.