I'll second your nomination of Los Lobos, who are always the first that come to my mind when asked this question. (I'm from Jersey, so while Bruce has long transcended his regionalism, I can't help but identify him with my hometown. I'd also make a case for The Blasters. I know they only put out a few records, but they bleed American music. And, to complete the California triumvirate, what about X? I know some folks who identify them with LA the way the Ramones are a New Yawk band, but they always sounded quintessentially American to me. Jim Cox wrote: I'd add Los Lobos to the arguement. For a stretch in the late 80's and early 90's, I thought they were the best American band. The question of how representative is a tough one. Is Springsteen a New Jersey guy or did he transcend that over time? I think Los Loboas are anything but "just another band from East LA", and their Mexican roots and melting-pot line-up may make them more representative than some of the others discussed here. In spite of the Latin flavor of the music, I find their voice to be very American. Plus, their work tells a story of American in a way that Kiss, for example, never even aspired to. Jim --------------------------------- Got a little couch potato? Check out fun summer activities for kids.